Wars are started by rulers and politicians. Ordinary working men and women do the fighting and killing. It is also ordinary working men and women that do the dying, along with the poor and innocent children. There are no two sides to a war, there is only one because all of mankind suffers. Whether you willingly participate, are forced to participate or are just an innocent bystander, you suffer. Rulers and politicians do not understand all will suffer when they start a war.
The "Pogi Americano"
“Genuine virtue consists of being charitable, loving one’s fellow men and being judicious in behavior, speech and deed.” - Emilio Jacinto
Saturday, February 22, 2025
The Angel of Intramuros

Thursday, February 6, 2025
Depression (updated 2-28-25)
If you have never suffered from depression, you do not know what it is like. You may know someone who suffers from depression, in that case, you only know the person. Without suffering yourself, you do not know the suffering of depression.
Depression normally starts with a traumatic experience; something that works against everything you have experienced and have been taught, both academically and spiritually. The act or process of finding a reason or reasons for the traumatic experience cannot be fulfilled because there is no reason on earth for or against the experience. Your unsatisfied emotions cause you to become indifferent to everything and everyone. Your emotions and feelings fade away and nothing has meaning. The ability to discern or judge what is true or false, right or wrong is gone. You become a being without love and without a soul.
I lived for almost 10 years with depression. I saw almost every doctor and psychiatrist in the San Diego/LA area. The drugs they gave me only masked the symptoms to the people around me. There is no cure, but you can learn to live with it. I don't know why or how but after about 10 years I started to become human again. It was probably the two friends I had in San Diego that didn't give up on me. They didn't like the things I did and said but they did try to understand. It probably had a lot to do with the things my Mother said to me, though she was far away in Chicago, she didn't give up on me either.
There is no cure for depression, once it gets inside you, it is there forever. All I can do is be cogent of it and understand my change of emotions and feelings. I must constantly remember to suppress the cold and darkness of depression because if I let down my guard, it will rise to the surface.
Understanding, even just a little bit, makes a deep and lasting impression on a man suffering from depression. When you put a victim of depression down, you give the daemons more power, they rise to the surface, causing the pain and suffering to begin all over again.

Friday, January 17, 2025
Family and Home (updated 2/4/25)
- A friend or neighbor who is not a blood or legal relative
- An adopted or foster child
- Children who were once step-siblings after the remarried couple divorces
- A married couple without children
- A person who cannot live independently on their own
- A sibling who married outside the family’s religious faith and/or race
- A beloved family dog or cat
- The spouse of a deceased friend

Friday, January 10, 2025
Winterville (in progress 1-10-25)

Fresno (in progress updated 1-10-25)

Imperial Beach (in progress updated 1-10-25)
We were there for about 3 years? I was working out in the Mohave Desert and came home on weekends. Lolly taught school at St. Charles Catholic School just around the corner from the apartment. Then she got a great job offer at California State University at Fresno. So, we went there and bought our first house.

San Diego (in progress updated 1-10-25)

US Navy (in progress updated 1-10-25)
I left for the Navy and the USS Oriskany in 1969.I came back for a short while, about a month, in 1976, after my second enlistment. I had every intention of getting out of the Navy but I could not find a job that paid enough for me to get an apartment and live on my own. So, back I went to the Navy and the USS Longbeach.

New Lenox (in progress updated 1-10-25)
329 Poplar Lane, New Lenox Illinois. It looks a lot different now than when it did when I left. When I left in 1869, the garage wasn't there nor was the connecting structure to the house. Dad built all that. The second garage (far right) wasn't there either. It looks great now.
I went from 6th grade at Oster-Oakview school through Lincoln-Way High School (now called LW Central...there are 3 LWs now) in this house. I was baptized in the First Baptist Church of New Lenox just after I turned 18.I can't say that I did it because of my "beliefs". At that age and during that time I was interested in only 3 things; cars, girls and the Vietnam draft. I was 1A and could not get out of it. So, I enlisted in the Navy. Looking back, I really can't say that I was a "Christian" man, I was just "covering all the bases" with the baptism.
loved this house, at the end of a dead-end street. There was a lot of
land with it. We grew just about all the fruit and vegetables we needed.
Mom canned enough to get us through the winter. We also raised chickens
for eggs and meat. At the far end there was a creek running through it.
I could have an adventure every day.

Oaklawn (in progress updated 1-10-25)

Chicago (in progress updated 1-10-25)

Saturday, December 14, 2024
First Mass in the Philippines
March 31 commemorates the anniversary of the first Catholic Mass in the Philippines in 1521.
Each year Filipinos commemorate the anniversary of the first Catholic Mass celebrated on the island of Limasawa in Southern Leyte.
According to Vatican News, “On Easter Sunday in 1521, Father Pedro de Valderrama celebrated the first Catholic Mass in what is now the Philippines, specifically on the island of Limasawa in Southern Leyte.
The date was March 31, and the Spanish priest was part of an expedition to the so-called ‘East Indies’ led by the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan.”
The Mass was celebrated on an “improvised altar” and the congregation included local inhabitants.
The past few years have seen several jubilee celebrations, celebrating 500 years since the first Mass. Those celebrations were postponed during COVID in 2021, but were held successfully in 2022.
John Burger also adds in his article for Aleteia that, “Since 2013, Filipino Catholics have been observing a nine-year preparatory cycle to prepare for the great anniversary. With a particular theme assigned to each year, the Church in the Philippines has sought to deepen and reinvigorate its missionary character, with programs tailored by each of the country’s dioceses and archdioceses.”